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What's weather like in San Mateo, Rizal?

four local experts

Does San Mateo get rain? Snow? Hail? What's summer weather like? Here's what four local experts had to say about weather and precipitation in San Mateo, Rizal.

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The place is susceptible both to floods and earthquakes. If the person wants to live in a flood-free area one should consider places that are away from bodies of water and the place would be far from the city center. Though there are some areas that are flood-free near the city center, they will cost a lot of money. It is near to a fault line so one should investigate if the house or apartment is well-suited for earthquakes.

Charles, says: 2020

Our city is a high place which means no floods. it has peaceful environment yet near to commercialized sector, easy access to transportation. In our place, less crime happens because of high security and with the help of the neighbors. In speaking of neighbors, they are really approachable which makes our city very convenient and easy to adjust.

Samantha, says: 2020

To those moving here, they will love the great tropical climate, delicious food and fresh fruits and the warm hospitality of the Filipinos. They will also love great the scenery of our beautiful beaches and enjoy the cool breeze in our sea. At night, they will also enjoy the view of the shining stars in the mountain top.

San Mateo is in the suburban highlands. Temperatures in my city are relatively low compared to the lowlands. they should be prepared for cold nights and chilly mornings. public transportation in my city is limited. Having a private car can be helpful to you.

Meryll, says: 2020
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