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What's weather like in Hermiston, Oregon?

two local experts

Does Hermiston get rain? Snow? Hail? What's summer weather like? Here's what two local experts had to say about weather and precipitation in Hermiston, Oregon.

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Hermiston has a strange climate the whole year round. The city is placed on a steppe or “cold semi-arid climate. ” This type of environment means only grasses, weeds, and shrubs grow on the land naturally. In effect, most of the land is naturally difficult to walk through because there are plants everywhere. The plants have a beige color coating on almost everything apart from the shrubs which are beige-green. Hermiston is peaceful. There isn’t much crime and any murder is a top news story, which implies murder is rare.

Nathaniel, says: 2020

The town is in a calm climate, albeit a strange one with lows in the single digits and highs in the triple digits. There aren’t any earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes or tsunamis Hermiston has a strong community. Neighbors know each other and trust each other. Lots of organizations do work for those in need and you can always look for people to help and get help from. On occasion you’ll find whole neighborhoods grilling at one house. It’s a great place to raise a family and live a wholesome life.

Ajeenah, says: 2020

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