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What are transportation options and challenges in Kozhikode, Kerala?

three local experts

Are there taxis in Kozhikode? What about scooters? What are the public transportation options? Here's what three local experts had to say about transportation methods in Kozhikode, Kerala.

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My city is quite a peaceful one. Though it is developing all together, it is one of the most pollution-less places. The locals are too welcoming and hospitable. Life here is easy and satisfying. Plus, it attracts lots of tourists due to its picturesque views. It’s an evergreen place with so many beautiful beaches you can go to if you have a hard day or to enjoy with your loved ones. Traffic is mostly light, so you can reach your destination on time. And if you are planning to travel to my place be ready to savour the best of the foods.

Jacqui, says: 2020

Kozhikode is a great place. It is very cheap to live here. The residents of this city are very friendly and helpful. There is a lot of historical place to visit in my city. My city is very popular for its delicacies. Traffic jams and unavailability of parking spaces will only be a minus in my city.

Sruthi, says: 2020

You can never get tired of the city with its beautiful beaches, street food that run all night long, art performances every weekend, shopping units with all the new trends, and interesting accent of the locals, which may take some time to get used to. There is an auto driver in every corner, eager to take you to your destination. The city doesn’t discriminate, you belong to the city as much as the city belongs to you.

Anandakrishnan, says: 2020

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