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How bad is traffic in Portmore, St. Catherine?

two local experts

Nobody likes traffic. Not a single soul. Here's what two local experts had to say about traffic in Portmore, St. Catherine. Perhaps you'll find some tips to avoid rush hour and some potholes.

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Portmore is known as the “Sunshine City” of Jamaica. It seldom rains and it is humid year-round. Portmore is home to 1,000s of working-class citizens who commute to the corporate area of Kingston and Saint Andrew daily. As a result of this, traffic congestion and long toll lines are the order of the day.

Anyone considering living in my city would need to be aware of traffic jams, so patience is a must. Traffic congestion is a regular occurrence in Portmore. The toll, especially, is where traffic build-up happens during the working days of Mondays to Fridays. But on a positive note, we do have family entertainment. The Gaming arcades, beaches, and go-karting will be an exciting experience.

Claudette, says: 2020

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