Population: 34,517
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What are the shopping options like in Goshen, Indiana?

two local experts

From buying a car to purchasing groceries to following the latest fashion trends, here's what two local experts had to say about shopping in Goshen, Indiana.

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Goshen, Indiana, is a little south from Mishawaka and far north from Indianapolis. In Goshen, everybody knows everybody. No matter what time or where you go within Goshen, you will most likely see a classmate, a co-worker, or a teacher. What makes the town unique is its density. Your first time in Goshen, you will most likely think to yourself, “Oh wow, what a small town. I wonder if there is anything to even do here.” Goshen has local coffee shops, first Fridays, small business at every corner, and a pretty united community.

It is a small town that has everything you need: grocery stores, enough Starbucks to keep the local college kids happy, and enough fast food places to make the city seem busy on a Saturday. Goshen’s community is great at helping out new businesses and everyone wasn’t afraid to try something new. If there was word around town that there was a new restaurant or a new coffee shop, everyone would go and try it.

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