helps travelers and future expats discover exciting destinations, cultural hot spots, and hidden gems across the world using tips from locals.
Using only for your research, choose an interesting theme and make a list of cities offering the top 5-10 best destinations for visitors related to that theme.
Here are some examples:
- 5 Cities in America with Great Fishing
- 8 Cities in France with Excellent Antiques
- 10 Cities with the Most Beautiful Mountain Views
For each city, write a couple lines explaining why it’s a great pick for your chosen theme, using quotes from the inhabitants of the cities taken from its page.
The scholarship
We will award one scholarship of $500 to the author of the best entry. We’ll post the winning entry on our blog, along with honorable mentions.
To be eligible for the scholarship, you must…
- be a graduating high school senior or an undergraduate student in the United States (open to international students studying in the United States)
- provide permission to publish your entry on the blog, and elsewhere
- apply by noon (US Eastern time) on June 1, 2022