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The Pros and Cons of Living in Abuja, Fct

six local experts

They go by many names (pluses and minuses, advantages and disadvantages, etc.) but pros and cons are vital to consider when moving. Here's what six local experts report about what they like and dislike about living in Abuja, Fct.

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Abuja is a fast growing city, it has a lot of opportunities to offer be it business, employment, lifestyle etc. Abuja has a mixture of both hot and cold weather but mostly hot with a lasting rainy season. It has green spaces, excellent restaurant, luxury hotels cinemas etc. If you are looking for a good mixture of western and local lifestyle you will find it here, I’ll like to say that Abuja has a mixture of everything. Moving in to Abuja can be stressful especially moving in for the first time, but the good news is, as long as you are aware of a few things and make adequate preparations, you will have a great time moving in and exploring this lovely city.

Someone moving to Abuja should know the cost of transportation is higher here than the cost of transportation in smaller cities like Calabar. This is due to that cabs in Abuja take advantage of newcomers lack of familiarity with the environment. With time, transportation costs become less of an issue, as you get acclimatized with the city.

Know about the beautiful places in the city like the stadia, national parks and so on. know about the good schools in the city and the frequent ongoing carnivals also. Before moving to the city, I think he should also know about residents in the city and their approach towards people.

Mukhtar, says: 2020

The city I reside is specifically made up of working class citizens. It is the capital of my country, the very place central to running the affairs of the country. In fact it is the commercial hub of the state. One of the key benefits of staying here is that it is central to all activities going on in the state, security is fully guaranteed.

Deborah, says: 2020

Abuja is the Federal Capital City of Nigeria, moving here has lots of advantages. The road network is great with less traffic, anyone will enjoy it here. Most of the government office headquarters are here and standard of living is fair enough. Anybody can live in Abuja as there are no racial barriers in settling here.

Precious, says: 2020

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Abuja is a beautiful one. It is the capital of Nigeria. It is surrounded by trees, hills and the infamous Olumo Rock from which the bubbling nightlife can be seen. The landscape of the city is organised in such a way that almost everyone resides in gated communities know as estates. To fully enjoy the privileges that living in this city brings, it is imperative that one learns the local dialects; Hausa and Gbagyi. The only downside to living in Abuja are the extreme weather; when it’s hot it’s blistering hot and when it’s cold it’s deathly cold. Regardless, Abuja is a beautiful city that I’m happy and proud to live in.

Erhunmwunse, says: 2020

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