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Is there a military presence in or near Amarillo, Texas?

one local expert

What kind of military presence does Amarillo have? Here's what one local expert had to say about soldiers and defense in and around Amarillo, Texas.

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If you plan on moving to Amarillo, you would enjoy many differences in our economy and culture. Amarillo is the Yellow Rose of Texas. It comes from the Spanish name amarillo which means yellow. We are also known for the Big Texan Steak Ranch and Brewery. While in Amarillo, most visit the Cadillac Ranch on Interstate 40 West. We are about 400 to 600 miles to the closest big city in any state near us. Amarillo has several nicknames such as “Bomb City” because of our ability to make bombs for the US government at Pantex. We also make several military air patrol devices such as the tiltrotor aircraft.

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