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Living in Goshen, Indiana:
Tips for Moving and Visiting

two local experts

If you've been wondering what it's like to live in or visit Goshen, the Crowdsourced Explorer community can help. We asked two people living in Goshen what someone who is considering moving to or visiting there should know. Here are their pros and cons, tips, and advice:


2 comments on “Goshen”

Goshen, Indiana, is a little south from Mishawaka and far north from Indianapolis. In Goshen, everybody knows everybody. No matter what time or where you go within Goshen, you will most likely see a classmate, a co-worker, or a teacher. What makes the town unique is its density. Your first time in Goshen, you will most likely think to yourself, “Oh wow, what a small town. I wonder if there is anything to even do here.” Goshen has local coffee shops, first Fridays, small business at every corner, and a pretty united community.

It is a small town that has everything you need: grocery stores, enough Starbucks to keep the local college kids happy, and enough fast food places to make the city seem busy on a Saturday. Goshen’s community is great at helping out new businesses and everyone wasn’t afraid to try something new. If there was word around town that there was a new restaurant or a new coffee shop, everyone would go and try it.

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