Population: 548,320
The Hague
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Diversity and Racism in The Hague, South Holland

one local expert

Is The Hague diverse? Do people from different ethnic groups get along? Here's what one local expert had to say about diversity, inclusivity, and racism in The Hague, South Holland.

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Den Haag (The Hague) is a great place to live. You can live anywhere in The Hague and be safe, but I wouldn’t recommend living in Laak or Duindorp. These places have their own distinct people and culture, especially Duindorp, where residents may not be welcoming to foreigners on their streets. Other than that, The Hague is a very multicultural city with lots of things to do, and you can find everything you need there. Playgrounds and parks are scattered all around, and if needed, there will always be a place where you can find some peace in the busy city. It’s also located nearby the beach. Renting and buying in the Netherlands is not so easy, but in The Hague, it’s definitely easier and cheaper than in Amsterdam. There are laws in place for renting in the Netherlands, but you should really read up on that and know your rights if renting from an individual person (renting from a real company is almost always better). The city also has very good public transport; you can get anywhere you want with it, just a few minutes’ walk away.

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