Population: 21,207

Living in Dharampur, Gujarat:
Tips for Moving and Visiting

one local expert

If you've been wondering what it's like to live in or visit Dharampur, the Crowdsourced Explorer community can help. We asked one person living in Dharampur what someone who is considering moving to or visiting there should know. Here are their pros and cons, tips, and advice:


One comment on “Dharampur”

Dharampur is a small town in the Valsad district of Gujarat. It is on the banks of the river Swarnavahini and is surrounded by the Western ghats on east, west and north. Dharampur was originally ruled by a tribal king and the remnants of the royal life are still visible. The city has a renowned District Science Center, which is home to a number of scientists who are exploring space and celestial objects. There is a well-established school system and colleges catering to Science, Commerce and Arts stream for degree education.

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See other cities and towns in Gujarat.
